Monday, February 9, 2009

Crash and Burn

A series of several bizarre happenings has made this for the worst day yet. I started out waking up with a bit of a sore throat, but I thought little of it, as several of my friends have the same issue. I played squash for the first time, which I liked a lot, but I felt a nap was needed afterwards. I slept for an hour, and my friend woke me up because we were going to run some errands together.

My ATM card was eaten by the machine several days ago, so I had to call Dad to cancel the card and re-issue one to me. There is generally a delay in these re-issuances, so I needed a secondary form of income, particularly with me having just 100 TL cash to spend. I thought it was brilliant to write my parents a check so they could deposit it into my account for which I had a card in my possession here. I sent this check rather inconspicuously today to them, but I wanted to make sure this ATM card I had would work. Alas, I tried on two ATM's, and both rejected my card. So now, I have no real way of getting my money and am getting a tad anxious because I have little left. Yesterday, when I went to get my cell phone here (which is a bit of a necessity), the store's machines rejected my credit card, too!

I think I am going to try to open an account here at Yapi Kredi. If they accept personal checks from the United States, I'm golden, but if they don't, I think my parents may have to wire money to it, which is a bit complicated. I have a feeling this financial nightmare isn't quite over yet.

On top of this, I was feeling worse than I was this morning, so I went back to bed and slept for three hours. I woke up with a massive headache, chills, achiness, and in a cold sweat. I was sure I had fever (my forehead felt hot even to me), so I just went back to bed and took several Aleve. When I woke up just recently, my fever had broken, but I still feel pretty terrible. I want to sleep through the night so I am refreshed for classes tomorrow, but I'm having trouble going back to sleep. I despise the flu, but I think we are becoming friends relatively quickly.

1 comment:

  1. Aww no Jon! I bet you can open up an account there without too much of an issue. I know people who've opened accounts here in Egypt instead of dealing with the whole international banking thing.

    You...good at basketball? yeah, i read that and laughed.
